Top 25 Humor Blogs of 2024 - Get Laughing So Hard (2025)

Sure it’s filled to the brim with news about fumbling politicians and the Kardashians’ latest antics- but the internet is a great place to get your daily dose of the funnies too. These top 25 humor blogs bring a smile to our faces and have us laughing so hard it hurts.

25 of the best Humor blogs you can find online:

1. I Can Has Cheezburger (

Oldie but a goodie. I Can Has Cheezburger is the birthplace of LOLcat images and lolspeak (the grammatically-incorrect text that is usually superimposed on the images). The site may be old, but its content can still stand up to today’s memes.

2. The Onion (

America’s Finest News Source, it is. The Onion is the place to be for lovers of satire…or people who just want to trick their old aunts into sharing obviously fake news on Facebook.

3. The Chive (

Everything you need in a humor blog, you can find on the Chive. It’s got funny pictures, memes, videos, photos, and more. All of the funny stuff you can find on the Internet curated in one handy site- that’s The Chive.

4. 9gag (

9gag is pretty similar to the Chive, albeit with a much youthful demographic. It’s like the Chive but with a robust Facebook commenting system built in.

5. Oglaf (

Do you like webcomics? Do you like NSFW jokes? Do you like webcomics with NSFW jokes? If you answered YES to all three, then Oglaf is definitely perfect for you.

6. Funny or Die (

When you list actor and comedian Will Ferrell as one of your founders, you can be sure that what you’re getting from the site is pure comedic entertainment. And unlike other sites on this list, Funny or Die posts their own content and make up their own skits.

7. College Humor (

While its target audience are collegeised people, it doesn’t mean that people who are outside of this demographic can’t enjoy College Humor’s content. With viral skits, articles, listicles, and funny pictures, College Humor is one of the pillars of internet comedy today.

8. Smosh (

As the most subscribed channel on YouTube, you know that Smosh is doing something right when humor is concerned. Though it started out as a comedy blog in 2002, Smosh has since expanded into other content like gaming videos and animations.

9. Just for Laughs Gags (

You might be familiar with it the TV show, but did you know that Just For Laughs actually has an online presence? On its YouTube channel, the Just For Laughs team uploads some of their best bits.

10. Hyperbole and a Half (

Hyperbole and a Half is more than just where the “X All the Things” meme started. It’s one of the best written comedy blogs out there, and one of the most heartfelt too. The author is working on her new book though, so the blog hasn’t been updated in a few years.

11. Celeste Barber (

Tired of all those Instagram models? Well, Celeste Barber is here to share her own take on the weird poses and antics that these “celebrities” often do.

12. Jen Gunter (

Though it’s not really a comedy blog per se- it’s actually a medical one, since Dr. Jen Gunter is an OB/GYN- this blog is one of the funniest ones you’ll ever find on the internet. Read how Dr. Gunter takes down some of the most WTF snake oils and faux medicinal non-sense that gets peddled on the internet on a daily basis. We’re looking at you Gwyneth Paltrow and your jade vagina egg.

13. Cracked (

Another pillar of internet comedy, Cracked is the place-to-go if you want informative AND educational articles (on history, pop culture, gaming, music, movies, and other sorts of topics) that will also make you laugh out loud.

14. Reddit /r/funny (

All of the newest and funniest content on the internet, collated and voted upon by other redditors. At the /r/funny subreddit, you can be sure that you’re getting only the best and funniest stuff that can be had online.

15. DevHumor (

Developers of the world, rejoice! Here’s a comedy blog that’s dedicated to you and all of your coding hijinks.

16. Lowering the Bar (

If developers have their own comedy blog, why not lawyers too? Here you can find some of the funniest things that happened in the legal profession.

17. People of Walmart (

Walmart is a people’s zoo. This is the place where geriatric old people, millennials, soccer moms, and wannabe hiphop artists congregate and do some grocery shopping. The People of Walmart blog collects the pictures of some of the funniest specimens and displays them on the site for all the world to see.

18. Lamebook (

Love it or hate it, Facebook is here to stay. Lamebook collects some of the most WTF moments that happened on this godforsaken social media site.

19. Rescue Humor (

Yes, their jobs might be high stress. But who said that police, EMS, and firefighters can’t have fun from time to time?

20. Awkward Family Photos (

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the most cringe-worthy photos of your awkward years as well as your family, you can find in this site.

21. Engrish (

Read funny bastardizations of the English language in Engrish. Writers and editors and lovers of the written word are advised to stay away from this site to maintain their sanity.

22. Damn You Auto Correct(

If you ever found yourself on the point of sending a (potentially) embarassing text because of the damned Autocorrect feature on your phone, then take a look at this site and remember that other people had it worse than you.

23. The Oatmeal (

Comics about animals, political figures, pets, grammar, and other things. What more can you ask for from one of the most popular webcomics author on the internet? Matthew Inman also has other great stuff on his site too like card games, books, and other merchandise. Definitely a must-visit.

24. Dilbert (

Yes, it’s that popular comic strip! It comes in webcomics form too for those who don’t have newspaper subscriptions anymore. Dilbert is funny and depressingly accurate especially for office warriors.

25. Pictures of Walls (

Some of the worst grafitti in the world, as well as funny stuff that people painted on walls. That’s what you’ll get on this site.

Top 25 Humor Blogs of 2024 - Get Laughing So Hard (2025)
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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.