Ribblr | Ribblr x JOANN - explore the fusion of craft retail and craft tech! (2024)

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'+price[i]+'Handmade |

only 1

'; product_str_buy = '

__pro__Buy me'+product_orig+'

'; product_home_buy = '

__pro__Buy me'+product_orig+'

'; if (motm[i]==1) //motm (make of the month) product_moth = '

Make of the month

'; } if (journal_id[i]==user_id && make_tested[i]==0) { //check if make was by tester product_tested = '

Ribblr | Ribblr x JOANN - explore the fusion of craft retail and craft tech! (1)

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Try again later', icon: 'exclamation-circle' }); }); }//---------------------------------------------$(window).on('load', function() //when fully loaded/rendered{});$(window).on("pageshow",function() //called also on cache!{ $(".loader-main").css("display","none"); //hide preloader rotating icon when this page loads for navigation (FWD/Back cache)});$(document).ready(function(){ subselected = $(".My_selected").width(); $("body").css("--submenuwidth", subselected+"px"); $("body").css("--submenumargin", "-"+subselected+"px"); $(".accessibility-btn").click(function() {$(".accessiblity").css("display","block"); $(".black_overlay_accessibility").css("display","block");}); $("#anon-my, #anon-community, #anon-buy").on("click", function(e) { $($(this).data("which")).css("display","block"); //open window $(".black_overlay").css("display","block"); //darken background //so that document.click won`t close it e.preventDefault(); //must for ios e.stopPropagation(); //must for ios return e.returnValue = false; }); $(".partner-callout-btn").click(function() { event.stopPropagation();$(".partner-callout-pop").css("display","block"); $(".callout_overlay").css("display","block");}); $("body").click(function(e) {$(".partner-callout-pop").css("display","none"); $(".callout_overlay").css("display","none");});//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //`hook` all href and prevent many clicks on link!! -> can crash the site! var tooManyClicks = 0;$(document).on("click","a[href]",function(e) { var scrollOffset = $(window).scrollTop(); if (thisPage.length) //page name set already? { if (!isLocalStorageNA()) localStorage.setItem(thisPage+'_scroll', scrollOffset);//save current offset loaded if (e.currentTarget.href.indexOf('sort=') >= 0) //if someone pressed the "sort by" -> clear cache for this page (so it won't mix cache & loading) clear_page(thisPage); } if (e.currentTarget.href.match(/(java)|(\#)|(download)/i)) return true; //if clicking on JS or # anchor within page -> allow//console.debug(" was: "+lastHref+",now: "+e.currentTarget.href+"..."+e.currentTarget.baseURI);if (lastHref==e.currentTarget.href && !e.currentTarget.hasAttribute("target") && e.currentTarget.href.indexOf(window.location.hostname)>=0) //prevent the same page to be multi-click! 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}); }); //...like //--------------- $('input[type="checkbox"]').change(function(e) {// console.debug( $(this).prop("checked") ); }); $(".all_patterns_list, .discover_list, .all_featured_list, .product-details, .journal_page, .our_wishlist, .ribblr_free_list, .product_wishlist").on("click","[id^=heart]", function (e) //note: do not use just `heart` since it may double fire click (and won't work on dynamic pages e.g. crafts) { e.preventDefault(); //prevent document click -> so it won't redirect or do HREF e.stopPropagation(); var id = this.id.match(/\d+/); //get the suffix number var onoff = $(this).html().indexOf("add_to_wishlist_true")>=0; updateWishlist(e,this,id[0],onoff,"pattern"); }); $(".all_patterns_list,.page_container_all").on("click","[id^=like-]", function (e) //materials note: do not use just `heart` since it may double fire click (and won't work on dynamic pages e.g. crafts) { e.preventDefault(); //prevent document click -> so it won't redirect or do HREF e.stopPropagation(); 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    What would you like to do next?

    Go to libraryOpen a shop

    '; $("#what-is-new").html(craftOrShop); //shop or crafter? $("#what-is-new").css("display","block"); $(".black_overlay").css("display","block"); }) .fail( function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {} ); }); $(document).on("click", "#newUserShop", function() { $.ajax( { cache: false, url: "/db_api_util", type: "post", data: { magic:"O4d@", cmd:"open_a_shop" } }) .done( function(res) { window.location.replace("/myshop"); }).fail( function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { notify({ title: "Error", message: "Internet failed or something went wrong :("}); }); }); $(document).on("click", "#newUserNoShop", function() { window.location.replace("/mypatterns"); }); if ($('.join_in_banner').length) { $('.cd-cart__trigger').addClass('cd-cart-trigger-anon'); $('.cd-cart__layout').addClass('cd-cart-layout-anon'); } $('.add_pattern_menu').click(function() { // Call the aNewPattern function with an empty bundle_list aNewPattern("",0); });}); //...readyvar pref = 0;




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    Ribblr | Ribblr x JOANN - explore the fusion of craft retail and craft tech! (20)

    We're excited to partner with JOANN 🎉 Sign up and get 2 premium patterns gift!

    CLAIM YOUR GIFT 🎁 Ribblr's innovative tech fused with the huge, high-quality yarn assortment from JOANN guarantees endless creative opportunities. Enjoy the best crafting experience with Ribblr ePattern and delve into a collection of amazing and exclusive offers on your beloved yarns and fabrics,

    powered by JOANN


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  • '; } //...loop } else //pat { tot_footer_items = full_list.length; for (i=0; ilist_first_footer) //show only 12 images for fast showing showPic = ""; else showPic = thePic[list_offset_footer+i]; str+='
  • \ \ \ \ \ '+thepatternName+'\
  • '; } //...loop } if (tot_footer_items>0) { $("#footerSlider").append(str).fadeIn(); //add to bottom list_offset_footer+=tot_footer_items; //for next time if (tot_footer_items??? messes design since lSSlideOuter is wrapping again and again... :( } withinFooterUpdate = false; //indicate we're done fetching }) .fail( function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log(XMLHttpRequest); withinFooterUpdate = false; //indicate we're done fetching });}$("#readmorebtn").click(function() {$(".about_ribblr").prop("open","true");}); $("#choose_language").on("click", function() { if (user_id>0) //only for login users { $(".langpreferences").css("display","inline-block"); $(".black_overlay_accessibility").css("display","block"); } }); // on faq page only $("#language-currency-faq").on("click", function() { if (user_id>0) //only for login users { $(".langpreferences").css("display","inline-block"); $(".black_overlay_accessibility").css("display","block"); } }); $("#pref_lang , #pref_currency, #pref_country").on("change", function() //called on change in dropdown { if (user_id==0) return; $(".langpreferences").css("display","none"); $(".black_overlay_accessibility").css("display","none"); var lang = $("#pref_lang").val(); var currency = $("#pref_currency").val(); var country_code = $("#pref_country").val(); $.ajax( { cache: false, url: "/db_api", type: "post", data: { lang : lang, currency : currency, country_code : country_code, magic:"O4d@", cmd:"update_user_loc" } }) .done( function(response) { location.reload(); //refresh page after it was saved }) .fail( function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {} ); });}); //...ready

    Ribblr ePattern Unveiling the first-of-its-kind digital pattern format
    featuring a modern and minimalistic design and
    built-in interactive tools like progress tracking.
    Craft easily, anywhere you are.

    Inspiration We want to inspire you with patterns you’ll love.
    Check out the ’For You’ section where you’ll find lots
    of patterns based on your interests & skill level.
    Your craft - your way.

    User & eco friendlyMade for everyone, with a variety of accessibility tools.
    And thanks to Ribblr ePattern every 36 crafters on Ribblr
    save a whole tree and 200kW of energy every year.

    Read more

    Ribblr | Ribblr x JOANN - explore the fusion of craft retail and craft tech! (24) Ribblr | Ribblr x JOANN - explore the fusion of craft retail and craft tech! (25) Ribblr | Ribblr x JOANN - explore the fusion of craft retail and craft tech! (26) Ribblr | Ribblr x JOANN - explore the fusion of craft retail and craft tech! (27)

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    Our goals.

    Create the best crafting experience.

    Build a home for all crafters.

    Innovate and modernize the crafting industry.

    Empowering crafters

    We believe crafters deserve better.
    We have a clear mission: make crafting accessible and empower crafters through innovation.

    On Ribblr you can find lots of unique designs you will love and create using our interactive Ribblr ePattern format.
    You can also sell your makes, sell & design patterns, and meet other crafters!

    Introducing: Ribblr ePattern

    Similar to an eBook, Ribblr ePattern is a digital version of your pattern, packed with lots of unique features, to provide you with the best crafting experience.
    Track your progress, select your size with smart sizing, translate patterns, built-in videos & charts, and so much more.

    Built for designers

    Say hello to Ribbuild, our streamlined pattern editor.
    Built by and for designers, the idea is simple: you add the instructions and Ribbuild does the rest.
    That includes automatic pattern translation, measuring units conversion, smart sizing, and so much more.

    Start selling your patterns in an interactive format and use $elFee, your personal smart fee, that gives you full control over your fees.
    Patterns you upload to Ribblr are not exclusive and always remains yours.

    We recommend your patterns to crafters who will love them, based on their interests, all completely for FREE. Pretty, cool, ha?

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    all Ribblr has to offer for designers.

    A home for all crafters

    Ribblr is a place for passionate crafts to connect and share.
    Maintaining an inclusive and positive environment and making sure everyone on Ribblr feels safe is our top priority.
    That’s why we continue to welcome and support people from all over the world, regardless of religion, nationality, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, and disability.

    Violent, harassing, and/or discriminating behavior of any kind is strictly prohibited on Ribblr.
    This is part of our

    Terms and Conditions

    that all users agree to when they use our services.

    User & eco friendly

    We believe that crafting should be accessible for everyone and that’s why Ribblr is designed to be user and eco friendly.
    Ribblr is truly responsive and is available on any device, with free iOS and Android apps available.
    On your personal accessibility menu you will find dark mode, reduce motion, and left-hand mode.
    Ribblr ePattern, with its unified design, makes it easier for everyone to craft thanks to many accessibility tools such as smart sizing, language translation, font and pictures zoom, and more.
    And to help make patterns even more accessible, designers can add built-in photos, videos and even audio instructions to their patterns on Ribblr.


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    Ribblr | Ribblr x JOANN - explore the fusion of craft retail and craft tech! (2024)
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    Article information

    Author: Kelle Weber

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    Views: 6048

    Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

    Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Kelle Weber

    Birthday: 2000-08-05

    Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

    Phone: +8215934114615

    Job: Hospitality Director

    Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

    Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.