Public Health/Gesundheitswissenschaften (Bachelor) - Universität Bremen (2025)

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Public Health/Gesundheitswissenschaften (Bachelor) - Universität Bremen (1)

  • Public Health/Gesundheitswissenschaften (Bachelor) - Universität Bremen (2)

    Fachbereich 11

    Public Health/Gesundheitswissenschaften (Bachelor)

    © Matej Meza / Universität Bremen

Public Health/Gesundheitswissenschaften (Bachelor) - Universität Bremen (3)

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

6 Semester


Bewerbungszeitraum Erstsemester
Wintersemester: 01.05. - 15.07.
Sommersemester: 01.12. - 15.01.


Fachwissenschaftlicher Bachelor wählbar als

  • Vollfach
  • Profilfach



Pubic Health/Gesundheitswissenschaften ist eine Multidisziplin und nutzt das Wissen, die Erkenntnisse und die Methoden unterschiedlicher Einzeldisziplinen, etwa der Sozialwissenschaften der Psychologie, der Ökonomie, der Medizin, der Epidemiologie etc. Zwar hat jede der beteiligten Disziplinen ihren eigenen fachwissenschaftlichen Zugang zu (gesundheitsbezogenen) Problemen, in der Zusammenarbeit ergeben sich aber neue Perspektiven, die zum interdisziplinären Verständigungsprozess im Fach Public Health beitragen. Dabei nimmt Public Health/Gesundheitswissenschaften nicht in erster Linie einzelne Individuen in den Blick, sondern konzentriert sich vor allem auf Bevölkerungsgruppen bzw. auf das Gesundheitssystem. Es geht um die Erfassung der Verteilung von Gesundheitszuständen, von Risiken und Ressourcen in der Bevölkerung, um das Gewicht unterschiedlicher Einflussfaktoren und schließlich um die Erarbeitung konkreter Beiträge zur Lösung gesundheitlicher Probleme in der Bevölkerung.


  • Public_Health_BA.pdf

Passt das Studienfach zu mir?

  • Kontakt zu Studierenden
  • Entscheidungsberatung

Zusätzliche Informationen

  • Lehrveranstaltungen
  • Studienorientierung
  • Infos zum Studieneinstieg
  • Beratungsangebote


Aktualisiert von: Datenbank Studium


Public Health/Gesundheitswissenschaften (Bachelor) - Universität Bremen (2025)


Is a bachelors in public health hard? ›

Is a bachelor's in public health hard? BS in public health programs can be rigorous. Though earning this degree requires lots of studying, research and discipline, it can eventually lead to a secure and rewarding career.

What language is required for University of Bremen? ›

The university requires students to have a good command of German since it offers all the courses primarily in German and English. For admission in undergraduate courses, the primary language requirement is sufficient knowledge of C1 level German.

Why study at University of Bremen? ›

The University of Bremen is considered one of the best research universities in Germany. Across the 12 faculties are six high-profile interdisciplinary focus areas including Social Conflicts of Modern Welfare States, Oceans & Global Climate and Equity in Healthcare.

How to apply to the University of Bremen? ›

Applications must be submitted online, prior to the closing date and together with all necessary admission requirements. Applicants must apply via the central online application portal of the University of Bremen (MOIN). The online application form will be active 6 weeks before the application deadline.

What is the highest paying public health job? ›

A medical director will be the highest paid job in the public health field in 2024. This position pays a yearly salary ranging from USD 228,000 to USD 425,000, averaging around USD 226,000 per year. In addition, commissions, cash bonuses, and profit shares can reach an additional pay of USD 77,700 per year.

Are public health degrees worth it? ›

Health careers remain in high demand even in economic downtimes because public health is an essential public service. And having an MPH makes you more likely to work in positions that can weather economic instability, giving you peace of mind in knowing you are less likely to lose your job.

What GPA do you need for Bremen university? ›

A transcript of undergraduate courses and grades with a GPA equivalent to 2.3 or better in the German grading system. A proof of proficiency in English at the level of C1 (Common European Framework) or higher (for details see here).

Is University of Bremen hard to get into? ›

With its diverse academic offerings, the university welcomes international students and has relatively easy admission processes compared to some renowned institutions in Germany. The University of Bremen is amongst the easiest German universities to get into.

Is the University of Bremen free? ›

As a public university in Germany, the University of Bremen charges no tuition fee from its national or international students. However, students are required to pay semester contributions to the university.

Where does University of Bremen rank in the world? ›

University of Bremen Rankings

University of Bremen is ranked #606 in Best Global Universities. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence. Read more about how we rank schools.

What's famous about Bremen? ›

The Bremen City Hall and the Bremen Roland are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Bremen is well known through the Brothers Grimm's fairy tale "Town Musicians of Bremen" (Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten), and there is a statue dedicated to it in front of the city hall. Bremen has a reputation as a working-class city.

How much does University of Bremen charge per semester? ›

The University of Bremen is known for offering education free of tuition fees for international students, and it is considered one of the cheapest universities in Germany. However, students are required to pay a semester contribution (Semesterbeitrag) of approximately 350 € per semester.

What is the acceptance rate for international students at University of Bremen? ›

The University of Bremen acceptance rate is 16.2%.

Is Hochschule Bremen free? ›

There are no general tuition fees in the state of Bremen. At HSB, you only need to pay tuition fees if you choose to study an MBA or master's programme at the International Graduate Center.

Does the University of Bremen teach in English? ›

International degree programs are characterized by the fact that the language of instruction is English (or in some cases another language) and/or a semester abroad is mandatory. On this page we have compiled all Bachelor's and Master's degree programs at the University of Bremen that fall under these categories.

What are the cons of a public health degree? ›

The cons of a public health degree are that it can be difficult to find a job after you graduate, and the pay is not as high as some other career options. It can also be difficult to find a job that is commensurate with your skills and experience.

Is MPH a difficult degree? ›

Many students feel an MPH program is hard. These programs are graduate-level programs and involve in-depth content and require solid dedication to learning. While the program may be difficult, the benefits of earning the degree are worth the effort it takes to overcome the challenges.

What is a BA in public health? ›

The BA in Public Health is designed for those who are interested in working to improve health in diverse populations. The major will introduce students to the foundations of scientific and social knowledge relevant to public health, including: Biological and life sciences and intersections with public health.

What degree goes well with public health? ›


A sociology major allows students to better understand concepts critical to improving public health, including race, ethnicity, gender, and education.

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.