Cinders & Ashes: Book Three (Cinders & Ashes #3) (2024)


1,209 reviews30 followers

May 1, 2021

I should have waited until this series was finished before starting it. 😩 The author does warn us readers. 😔



1,210 reviews76 followers

July 20, 2021


    1-fantasy 2-fairytale 6-ku

Kenny Danewitz raveh

597 reviews34 followers

October 24, 2022

It was an OK read but not as good as the previous books.
First, Finn and Rohan did not even meet in this book, both had to deal with things apart.
Nothing much happened even though Marikoth had clearly made himself known (I was so disappointed with him. why saving Jeremiah from a predator only to kill him yourself later? what was the point in acting human, making me feel for him, thinking there could be hope for him and then... hallow zombie Jeremiah???)
Finn was being young, gentle, polite himself, wasting time looking pretty, playing with puppies, and Rohan? he was looking for trees. I know this is a bit harsh but looking back no much has happened other than the zombie scene and finding myself skipping in a 247 pages long book is not the greatest sign.
I know in a 6 books series things take time. I will go to book 4 but things needs to speed up, the boys needs to reunite somehow. I'm not sure how this will happen since Finn is too much of a Daddy's boy and I need him to grow up faster and fight for what he believes.
BTW this Fae are not acting Fae at all, other than using magic they feel and act totally human.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Bob Jackson

368 reviews

March 27, 2021

WOW! Another brilliant volume in this dramatic and touching story.

I read a lot of LGBTQ fiction and I must say that X. Aratare (aka Raythe Reign) is one of the most gifted writers in this genre. She has an ability to pull the reader into each book she writes and it is extremely difficult to put the book down until the end.

This is volume 3 of the story of Rohan and Finn. The protagonists continue the journey in their quest to return home. As always there are lots of surprises and twists. As in each of the author’s books and in spite of any cliffhangers, you always feel the love as well as hope in the story.

The author has a website under the name of Raythe Reign ( ) where she has published a gazillion web serial stories and took me months to read them all (but well worth the time).

The Cinders & Ashes series has an audible version. Sometimes the audible version is acted/narrated by a voice actor who misses the mark but the voice actor in this series (Edward Fox) is absolutely spot on in his interpretation of the characters. Perhaps one of the best audible versions I have listened to and I highly recommend.


72 reviews2 followers

January 16, 2024

This entry in the series was pretty intense. It had the darkest moments yet, but the lighter moments provided a good balance.

I liked that there were some chapters that followed side characters. It was just enough to add to the story without taking away from Finn and Rohan.


2,260 reviews

March 28, 2023

4.75 stars

I really enjoyed this third installment of this series!!


352 reviews19 followers

May 3, 2023

איזה קטע - נכנסתי לספר הזה ברגשות מעורבים ויצאתי מופתעת ממש לטובה!
חברתי, קני, שהמליצה לי על הסדרה דירגה אותו ב-3 כוכבים בלבד ולא עפה עליו בכלל, כך שחשבתי שצפויה לי אכזבה, אלא שמבחינתי הוא דווקא היה הפתעה מהנה במיוחד!
בספר הזה העלילה ממשיכה (אין צורך שאפרט, כי כאמור הסופרת עושה סיכום האירועים הקודמים בתחילת כל ספר - ממש נהדר!) ועל אף שהגיבורים נמצאים כל אחד במקום אחר, עדיין לא הרגשתי שחסרה לי רומנטיקה (יש רומנטיקה!), או שאני משתעממת. להיפך, מצאתי את הספר הזה כתוב כמו פנטזיה טובה, מהסוג שבו הרומן הוא משמעותי מאד, אבל גם העלילה הכללית תופסת מקום חשוב ומרכזי.
עבורי זה היה שילוב מוצלח ומהנה, אבל אני יכולה לשער שיש כאלה שפחות יתחברו.
ממשיכה לספר הבא בסדרה!


1,679 reviews72 followers

April 23, 2024

The magic and mayhem continues in this riveting series. I think the redemption of a wicked step-brother proved the most memorable of all events in this book (and there were quite a few such momentous events!) 3.5 stars.

Joshua Eshleman

5 reviews

April 5, 2021

I have to wait how long for the next one?!?!???

I have been waiting for this to come out since I read the first 2. And now I’ll be waiting very impatiently for the next! I absolutely love everything by this author. I’ve rereads several of them and am looking forward to everything coming!


631 reviews23 followers

March 5, 2022

I was not expecting to get so addicted to this series. Its just so good.
A very captivating adventure fantasy with some romance on the side. Insta romance, but oh well. Definitely start at book 1, though the opening does have a recap.
We've seen spiders and tree monsters. Now our heroes must contend with the undead. Rohan begins to see the tangle of political intrigue surrounding him but for the most part ignores it and acts like business as usual. Our Rohan might be pretty but he's kind of an idiot. Finn connects with his daddy giving us sweet, sweet moments. But then we are also met with dark implications as Death Mage Marikoth's plans start to take shape.

    adventure fairies fantasy


103 reviews

March 21, 2022

***I read this book via audiobook format***

The use of two different narrators was brilliant! They made the text come alive. I was blown away by both of their performances. I hope other authors will consider this in the future, although I understand it must have taken considerably time, money, and effort. We the readers are so appreciative!

Book 3 in the series is a return to form for the series and in some ways is the most exciting of any of the books so far. we the readers get to explore the kingdom beyond the Wall and learn more about the culture and customs of the Fae.

Be warned! this story relies heavily upon the "lovers-separation" literary device. where the lovers are separated by circ*mstance in order for each one to grow individually before being reunited. I usually loathe when stories rely on a separation to build tension between love interests.

However, this book navigates this issue perfectly. There is so much to explore and learn about each character. so neither character becomes a needy pathetic mess longing for the other while doing nothing.

I love how the author takes different chapters and tells events from different character perspectives it really adds a unique and interesting flavor to the story. I highly recommend this to anybody who is interested in fantasy, fiction or lgbtq fiction. ❤️

F. Thot Fitzgerald

257 reviews5 followers

January 21, 2024

I have 3 big interconnected issues with this book: multiple POVs, pacing, and plot twists.

Normally, I enjoy books with multiple POVs but in this series I don’t like how the author executed these narratives. The POVs are all different characters and even different timelines (eg flashbacks). The biggest issue for me is that readers often learn of plot twists (eg paternity, traps set by antagonists, betrayals) well before the main characters. It’s jarring and rips me out of the narrative. I’m judging the characters for being idiots. I’m bored when things are revealed to the characters because I already knew it. It’s not the most cohesive narrative flow.

Additionally, the multiple POVs throws off the pacing. We’ll be following one character going through something chaotic, and then it jumps to a completely different person and scene. There’s one scene where we follow one character who realizes an attack is coming. But then we jump to a completely different POV in a completely different location and I’m scrambling like wait what tf happened. The author does all this work to build up suspense, and then wastes it. Now I, as the reader, have to switch mental tracks to a completely different storyline. It gets annoying very quickly.


603 reviews10 followers

May 27, 2021

Another action packed book in the series

It's just getting more interesting as I turn each page. The long range effects of the Fae erecting a huge wall to keep humans and Fae separate has managed to bring death and destruction to every country. The humans are suffering from starvation as nothing is growing, the Fae are overrun by refugees, hideous monsters like spiders and tree creatures are gobbling up fae and humans alike. We never know what the real consequences of actions will be until its too late.
Finn is trying to get his father to understand what the wall has done, but in the meantime he's dealing with its effects and having to use death magic.
I'm not pleased that I have to wait for another book in the series. Patience is not my strong suit.


9 reviews

March 29, 2021


This was really good. It was frightening at times and downright scary in others. There were also lighthearted moments though they were few and far between in this installment. You really get the sense things are ramping up to a climax and resolution. I read this in one go and was on the edge of my chair every step of the way. This is incredible story telling which you don’t really find in this genre anymore. The action here scared me more than the action in any mafia/dark romance I’ve read on Amazon. It felt more real and credible in the uncertainty of good triumphing over evil. You just have to read it!


541 reviews25 followers

March 29, 2021

The saga continues........ The story of the King Rohan De Clare, the king of Rirea and Finn Ashton a servant of Tanglewood manor takes us to them being separated from one another.

I LOOVE the way the story allows you to see Finn's growth, love and loyalty to Rohan. I cannot wait to see what kind of man and ruler he untimately becomes.

Rohan on the other hand is doing everything he can to get back to Finn while learning more about his elven ancestry and the relationship between his ancestors and the fae.

I love the role Christopher comes into and I hope that Serxio and Leonid keep the comedy coming.

All in all this story is full of action and intrigue. 5/5 would recommend!

    dragons faeries fantasmagorical

Robert Rosvall

6 reviews

April 8, 2021

Great story!

I am truly enjoying this serial! I honestly didn’t believe she could get much story out of retelling Cinderella using a male Cinder but boy was I wrong! The characters are unique and compelling and the connection between them is very real.

You will definitely need to read the next installment, it only takes a few paragraphs before you will be hopelessly hooked!

I highly recommend you start with the first and second books before reading this one. Raythe does include an extensive summary of what has happened at the beginning which I honestly did not read as I have recently re-read the first two.


34 reviews1 follower

April 11, 2022

Definitely enjoying the X. Aratare flair in this series! Love the balance of drama and heartfelt moments. As I have come to expect with his author the love longing is tempered with a healthy dose of independence and discovering individual strengths. I also love seeing the redemption side stories begin to unravel! Lots of fantastic world building and hope for everything to turn out alright. As usual we are left with a handful of answers and a bucket of new questions which make me anxious to read the next book!

Margot Horney

7 reviews1 follower

June 17, 2023

I’m afraid I’m done with this series. There is too much world building that leads nowhere. Why do the two main characters always end up separated? This isn’t the only series that does this and I find it unnecessarily disruptive to the love story I’m looking for. While I like Finn and Rohan, I don’t feel like I know them any better after this book than I did after book one. I know this book is popular with readers of this genre, but it’s just not doing it for me. And I can’t imagine getting through three more books to reach the HEA.


1 review1 follower

September 30, 2022


Rayth does it again! This book was amazing as all of her work is. There are few authors who can write like her. I obviously love romance novels but often books like these can loose their plot and focus only on the “good stuff”. But Rayth’s books are on a class of their own because even if this wasn’t a romance I would be hooked and the steaminess is just the cherry on top. 🍒

Deborah Kerner

12 reviews

December 12, 2022


Please do not be put off by the way they titled this period this is truly a love story for the ages. It is Cinderella meets Lord of the Rings and everything that you want in apparent normal romance and fantasy story. Wonderful action and character development and the love story is truly sublime. An excellent read for anyone!


2,136 reviews12 followers

December 20, 2022

Rating: 4 stars

Another great story in the Cinder and Ashes saga. Finn and Roman were apart for the whole of this book. This didn't really bother me as there was definitely enough going on to keep me interested. I liked that we got a bit from Finn' s brother's perspective. I'm curious to see where the author takes this character. Overall an enjoyable book.


1,655 reviews20 followers

March 5, 2024

Audio: 5 Stars Edward Fox and Hannah Hart are a great duo.
Book: 4.5 stars

I am enjoying each installment of this series more than the last. I do have to suspend reality for the length of the relationship between Rohan and Finn, it's very much instalove, but it is explained why soo I am giving this a pass haha.

Now I can't wait to jump in to book 4!!


106 reviews1 follower

March 31, 2021


I love this series and can’t wait for the audio on book 3! It just keeps on getting better and better. Love Finn and Rohan so much! oh that cliffhanger did get me upset now it has me thinking like crazy hahaha. I can’t wait for book 4.


949 reviews9 followers

April 10, 2021


The mystery continues and some secrets are coming to light. The characters of the various folks are being in question not sure who is who. Finn grows more powerful, his father more fearful of what may happen.

Shawn Cha

447 reviews5 followers

April 12, 2021


The beginning was a bit meh but towards the end of the book it got soooooo good now I’m just sad that we won’t get to read the next book till like near the end of this year :/ but please write more can’t get enough of this series.

Ashul Agrasyn

6 reviews

April 25, 2021

What can I say about this series. It has my imagination doing flips. I have not been able to put the volumes down, eagerly wanting the next one.

Can’t wait for the next two!!

A must read. It will simply blow your mind and have your imagination doing overtime.

Jacquie Stewart

2,408 reviews73 followers

July 24, 2021


I'm loving this retelling. It's so detailed and has so much going on. Rohan and Finn are separated but trying to get to each other. Finn is also learning how to embrace his fae side.
Left of a bit of a cliffhanger so it's good that the next book isn't too far off


53 reviews

September 5, 2021

I’m so glad I held off on reading this third installment of Cinders & Ashes. Because the fourth and final book will be released in 5 days! As always, beautifully written and held my attention from the first page to the last.


26 reviews

April 9, 2023

4.5 stars

This installment was mostly setup. I rounded down because Finn's father was a little bit underdeveloped. However, if you read the last two and are wondering if part 3 is still good, it is. I do like the development of Christopher's character.

Cinders & Ashes: Book Three (Cinders & Ashes #3) (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

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Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.