Reddit is a website that calls itself "the front page of the internet," and it truly does contain a little something for everyone. On this site, registered community members from around the world submit text posts, images, and direct links in order to inform, amuse, and entertain. Anyone can join Reddit for free simply by signing up for an account, but what some people may not realizeis that Reddit's front page is entirely customizable for each user. You get to decide what kind of content you see when you log in.
Reddit consists of thousands of subreddits, which are pages devoted to individual topics. Everything from current events and politics to funny memes has a place here, and one needs only to search for a subject that interests them to find an entire community of like-minded souls looking to share their web findings and daily musings with others.If you wonder if there's a subreddit for your favorite subject, rest assured that there probably is. Heck,there's a whole subreddit devoted to gifs of baby elephants.Yes, really!
With all of the subreddits available it can be daunting to know where to start, but we've got you covered! Here are twenty excellent, boredom-busting subreddits that you can subscribe to right now to liven up your front page. As always, be sure to consult the rules of each subreddit to ensure that you stay within the community guidelines, and then start posting and browsing. Have fun!
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Ask Reddit is a forum where people can ask a question of the community and get responses from people from all walks of life. This subreddit is the ultimate time-killer. You can find the best, most unexplainable paranormal stories, career advice, NSFW sex questions, and much, much more on this page.
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"Hold My Beer" is the phrase that is often uttered right before someone does something utterly epic... or utterly stupid.If you like stupid human tricks and gifs of people narrowly avoiding getting badly injured, this subreddit is for you! "
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/r/Blunder Years
This is a subreddit that specializes in pictures of people who were going through an awkward phase.Each image is uploaded by the person in the picture (unless they were given explicit permission to share it). This is not a place to publically shame or embarrass anyone... except yourself!
Anyone who ever rocked a terrible haircut and braces back in 7th grade will recognize the cringe in these pics!
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"Jax isthe official stamp-licker at the post office."
Whether it's cute animals, a tender parenting moment, or just a sweet picture of something random, this subreddit is devoted entirely to things that make you say "aww."
This subreddit is dedicated to sharing newly-learned knowledge. Did you learn something cool today? Share it here with the Today I Learned (TIL) tag.
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Screenshots of text messages abound in this subreddit, but there's more to it than that. If you've ever seen something so dumb that you literally facepalm, this is where to put it.
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If you enjoy memes about topics likeYou Had One Job, terrible font choices, and bad architectural designs, this subreddit will make you laugh until your sides hurt!
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You'll find the funniest Art History Snapchats and other museum memes in this category, putting the most modern twist possible on artwork across the ages.
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Sometimes graffiti can be funny... VERY funny! Check out this subreddit for well-placed vandalism you'll wish you'd thought to do first.
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You've seen these kinds of images before; the sort of perfectly-timed action shots that you can't believe someone actually caught on camera? These pics are always awesome, and the images found in this subreddit will not disappoint. They're not all funny, but they're all most definitely cool.
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This is a subreddit for all of life's most WTF moments. The sub does not allow anything truly shocking and there's no gore allowed here. Users are also prohibited from posting screenshots pulled from social media or other public shaming tactics. (If you're looking for that, try Insane People on Facebook.) These are just pure, unadulterated what-the-actual-f**k moments!
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Unlike the huge and ubiquitous r/Pics subreddit, No Context Pics is all about the imagery. r/Pics tends to get a little schmaltzy with all of the tragic backstories, so this sub has this rule:
"The purpose of this subreddit is to share interesting pictures without any context. The pics must succeed or fail on their own merit. No sob stories. No stories of any kind."
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Everybody needs a little beauty in their life! If looking at gorgeous photos from some of the most breathtaking and remote places on the planet is your thing, you must subscribe to this sub. This "porn" is 100% SFW (Safe for work) because it contains nothing but pure, stunning vistas found in nature.
This photo was taken at Lake Moraine, Canada. Who else wants to go there right this instant?!
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Sure, these aren't the most interesting pictures or stories that you've ever seen, but they're still pretty interesting and worth talking about. Take this tree that "straight up looks like broccoli," for instance. It's cool and I'm glad I saw it, even though it's not earth-shattering.
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/r/Wholesome Memes
This subreddit is your source for funny memes that you can feel good about laughing at. They're not trying to make any big points or hurt anybody's feelings; they're simply trying to make you smile. Frankly, the world could use more of this sort of thing.
Thanks, Wholesome Memes.
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This sub isnot what it seems. You won't find any football memes in the Superb Owl subreddit, but you will find some of the coolest owl pictures, stories, videos, and memes on the web. WHOOOOO doesn't like owls?
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The concept is clear: Take a funny picture and ask the Photoshop pros on Reddit to come up with a clever Photoshop in return. Some of the web's funniest Photoshops emerge from this subreddit, including this 'shop of an unflattering image of Donald Trump.
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Cringe pics has a simple motto: When it hurts just to look. This subreddit will make you feel better about yourself, because at least you're not this cringey.
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Let's Not Meet is a highly entertaining subreddit that will completely freak you out... and have you looking over your shoulder everywhere you go. This is where people share stories of near-misses, almost-kidnapping, stalkers, and other scary real-life monsters.
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This is "a subreddit for you to share those miniature epiphanies you have that highlight the oddities within the familiar."
Shower Thoughts are those fleeting thoughts you might have while taking a shower, daydreaming, and generally going about your business. Some of them are deep, but most of them are just musings that you mightfind to be surprisingly relatable.
Head to Reddit to customize your front page!
This is just a sampling of the thousands of subreddits available for your reading pleasure. Subscribing to subreddits is like eating potato chips - once you start, you can't stop. Enjoy!